Time Limited Eligibility Policy Updated

Friday, July 15, 2016

The ABP has modified the policy on Time-Limited Eligibility for Initial Certification Examinations. The policy change extends the amount of time a doctor can take to complete six months of supervised practice when regaining eligibility to sit for an initial certification examination. After completing their training, candidates for certification have seven years of eligibility to pass the initial certification exam.

Formerly, after seven years of eligibility lapsed, candidates had to complete a total of six months of practice under the supervision of a program director before they could sit for the initial certification exam. The six months of supervised practice had to be completed within one year.

With the recently approved modification, the ABP now allows the six months of supervised practice in an accredited training program environment to be completed in the course of more than one year. All proposals for supervised practice must be approved in advance by the ABP, but proposals that span more than one year must address consistency of supervision of the individual and continuity of supervised practice experience.

For more information, contact the ABP’s exam administration department at (919) 929-0461, gpcert@abpeds.org or sscert@abpeds.org.

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